Thursday, December 2, 2010

Updates - Human Sculptures

It's crunch time. I've got two sculptures going simultaneously and I've got to get them refined to the point of appearing natural.

The original mesh that was the female sculpt from last quarter I've scrapped and started anew based on the base of the male mesh. It was a hard and painful lesson, but one well learned. Basically the geometry layout for ZBrush sculpting is quite different from one poly-modeled in Maya. And holes (eyes and mouth) make ZBrush unhappy. It was hard throwing away something I had spent some fair amount of time working on, but ultimately it served as a great learning experience.

I've realized one of the great powers of this type of modeling/sculpting. Something which would be completely unfeasible in Maya was almost too easy in ZBrush; I took my male mesh and made it a female. I did it in one day. Wow, Is it possible to be in love with a software program?

Anyways... here is where I'm at. I need to finalize sculpting on these two models and have them looking natural in little over a week. Hands and feet go first, faces next, and then further refinements as seen fit.